
Showing posts from May, 2018

Final Game #4: Conclusion

The final game that I have produced is called Gravity Shift . The game is a 2D Platformer Game revolving around changing gravity. The player will progress through levels, avoiding obstacles to reach a checkpoint, while using the gravity switching mechanic to help. In my final game, I have included common features of platformer games, such as lives, coins, moving platforms and triggers. Introduction: I chose to produce a 2D Platform game, because I enjoy playing that genre of games, and felt I would have fun producing this. I took inspiration from games such as Super Mario Bros and Sonic the Hedgehog for concepts such as harmonic motion platforms, coin pickup, lives/hearts, and end of the level. What went well: In my game, I feel that I have been able to demonstrate a range of different physics mechanics demonstrated in class, along with another physics mechanic which was not demonstrated in class. In total, I feel that I have demonstrated ten concepts in total: Distance...